Thursday, December 30, 2010

The persecuted church/ persecution in my book

       It is shocking to read about how many Christians are being killed and persecuted all over the world. It's happening in so many countries too. I wanted to cry today when I got my Voice of the Martyrs magazine. On the cover there was a picture of a woman whose face was burnt when her Christian village was burned down. Check out to find out how you can help the persecuted church. Most of all they need your prayers. Many of them have been tortured and have lost loved ones. The violence against them is appalling and it's scary to think that persecution this hard could come to the states......but it's possible. So when you think of our brothers and sisters in bonds just remember that it could be you being persecuted and pray even harder.
      Well, I'm still working on chapter four. This is a hard chapter to write because it involves alot of persecution. I've got to get graphic with violence and that doesn't naturally come to me. But faith always shines the brightest during persecution and trials. I want my book to feel real and to move people. So I'll probably be reading and watching material on persecution. Right now I'm thinking about scenes from Amistad and The Hiding Place......also China Cry. These movies represent a variety of persecution happening to different people in different parts of the world and in different time periods.
              Keep me in your prayers :) It is only by God's grace I can write at all. I have a hard time organizing my thoughts these days and I get sick alot. Thankfully I got my referral today to be tested for EDS (hereditary disease my father had). Hopefully I'll find some answers healthwise. Also we are in the process of trying to buy a house. My husband is getting out of the military next week and it looks like we will be moving to the opposite side of the state. I'm very excited but also overwhelmed. Like I's by God's grace.......I know he will help me through all these transitions. His faithfulness is apparent to me always.


  1. wow, when do you expect your book with be out? I'm looking forward to reading it!

  2. Thanks Jo :)I don't know yet. I want to finish books one and two this year. My plans is for it to be a trilogy but I might change that to several short books. I'm not sure yet. I'm going to have to pray about it and see where God leads me. The book is a inspirational fantasy....kind of like The Chronicles of Narnia and Pilgrim's Progress combined. I'm very excited :)
    Thanks for being my first follower and I hope to be able to visit you in the near future. I miss my Jo!
